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Concours Lieux enchanteurs

Gagnante : Jessica Auer, Chilkoot Pass

Jessica Auer followed in the footsteps of thousands of fortune-seekers who surmounted this great obstacle on a stampede to the goldfields of the Klondike.

Classée au second rang : Rebecca Szulhan, Grosse Île

Grosse Île. I spare a moment to consider the hundreds of years' worth of first steps taken on this very wharf, but I can't afford to dawdle. Time is short and there is much to see.

Classée au second rang : Hope Ryckman, Banff National Park

For a divorced, single mom who worked multiple jobs for food and shelter, her one summer road trip with her 10-year-old son through Banff stands out.

Finaliste : Harry Kleinhuis, Lower Fort Garry

It takes more than blueprints to build a York boat. Harry Kleinhuis' students had the spirit and determination to see their project through to the end.

Finaliste : David Little, Vimy Ridge

The ultimate deception at Vimy Ridge involves… the sheep. One understands that this is no idyllic, bucolic scene, but an area still charged with danger almost 100 years later.

Finaliste : Dan Gallacher, Dawson City

In the early '90s, three artifacts deep in the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s collections storage spurred Dan Gallacher on to a search for their place of origin.

Finaliste : Elizabeth Chandler, Fortress Louisbourg

Bypassing a number of exhibits, Elizabeth Chandler heads straight to the bakery on a mission — BREAD!

Mention honorable : Jeanne Vaillancourt, La Maison Laurier

Quand j’ai visité la maison Laurier pour la première fois, j’avais vraiment l’impression que Sir Wilfrid Laurier n’était parti que depuis quelques minutes tant les choses sont restées sur place.

Mention honorable : Rémi Vaillancourt

J’ai eu la chance de visiter bons nombres de sites historiques à travers le Canada. Mais le canal Rideau à cinq minutes de marche de chez moi me fascine.

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