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Community | Communauté > Canadian Roots | Racines canadiennes > Bible Christian Project Modes d'affichage:  
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TJ - 2010-07-22 16:12:34
Bible Christian Project
A long time Canadian Roots member, Sher Leetooze, is looking to start up a group here for the study of the people known as Bible Christians (a branch of the Methodist Church) worldwide.
Web Editor, Canada's History

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tjlongeway - 2010-08-11 14:57:04
RE:Bible Christian Project
I wish you well.

I belong to the United Curch in Town,

Was previously Methodist before the union.

I still lean to the Methodist persuasion being my families past.

Pretty busy to be getting in to a study group


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alicia - 2016-03-30 01:33:08
RE:Bible Christian Project
I really enjoy reading this posts, those articles you sharing is very useful. safety vest


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