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Selling Beavers What Beavers are you looking to sell?
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MartinD - (2010-07-16 16:31:33)
Older Beaver Magazines for sale
In the hopes of finding data on my HBC ancestors, I have been collecting older Beaver magazine for some twenty years. Some ten years ago ago I purchased a bound set of Beaver magazines covering the years 1933 to 1973. As a result I then had literally hundreds of duplicate single issues of that time period and many other duplicates from 1973 onwards on my my hands. I have sold a good many on eBay, including all of my duplicate annual sets but I still have a good number of single and partial annual sets left. If anyone is interested in buying issues of a set period or even a specific date between 1945 and 2007 let me know at and I will check to see if I have what you are looking for. Prices varying with age and condition, but I am open to reasonable offers. I am also willing to trade multiple post 1945 issues for single pre-1933 issues.
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