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Beyond the Guided Tour This is a place to continue our conversation from the webinar "Beyond the Guided Tour: Exploring Today's New Approach to Museum Programs"
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Joanna - (2013-05-21 14:15:04)
Favourite programs
Hi everyone,

We heard about lots of great museum programs in Annabelle's webinar, and I know there are many more out there. Tell us about your favourite program in your organization, and your favourite program in a different organization.

One of my favourite programs here at Canada's History is Young Citizens. This program is held in conjunction with heritage fairs, and encourages students to make short films about their heritage fair topics. Their films are so creative and they are really engaged with the history they are studying - they visit museums, look through archives and photos, and speak with interesting people. I think it's a great way for students to get excited about history and they are able to create a nice product that's easy to share with others. You can see this year's videos at

One of my favourite history projects is the Toronto Dreams project. Toronto Dreams is an individual initiative by Adam Bunch, and it's a great mix of history, art, fiction, and technology. Adam researches interesting events from Toronto's history and then places his own Toronto Dreams postcards in relevant locations throughout the city. The postcards have short fictional teasers based on an actual event or person from the city's history. People who stumble across the postcards are encouraged to go to the Toronto Dreams blog to find out the true story. I love it when history intersects with the present, and I think Toronto Dreams has a great amount of creativity and intrigue. Check it out at

What are some of your favourite museum programs or history projects?

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