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Readers Write | Les lecteurs nous écrivent Discussions arising from current and past issues of Canada's History magazine. | Discussions concernant des sujets actuels ou passés présentés dans le magazine.
Magazine > Readers Write | Les lecteurs nous écrivent > 2010 Year of the British Home Children Modes d'affichage:  
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Kaino - 2010-09-17 17:18:27
2010 Year of the British Home Children
Since 2010 is the Year of the British Home Child. I am hoping that the History Channel and Canada`s History Magazine will do a more thorough job of reporting on them than just one little blurb. There were many organizations that brought these children over besides Barnardos. For example Louisa Birt brought 600 children from Liverpool over to Nova Scotia from 1873 - 1876. There were many abuses of the system and the lack of reporting and followup was shamefull. I think Canada should be made aware of the contribution these children made to our society and to acknowledge why they were brought over .


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