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entropy33 - (2011-01-26 16:55:34)
RE:Lower Fort Garry
I have the pleasure to be one of those interpreters who works at LFG. I can honestly say that these have been some of the best years of my life.

Interacting with visitors is always unique - each person comes for their own reason, is fascinated by a different item, person, or event, and each visitor finds something special to remember about the Fort.

The breadth of things you can do, eat, touch or watch is quite unique to a historic site. I was shocked when I was hired on at LFG and they started to show us the ropes... "get a visitor to do this!" was a common suggestion. It baffled me that people could actually touch a great majority of the site. Of course, there are resources there that can't be handled, but it is definitely unique that we encourage people to become hands-on with what we do.

If anyone reads this thread and decides to come to the Fort, plan to spend a good chunk of your day there. You'll be shocked at how much time you can spend just talking to one of the dozens of animators (those of us in a character). If you are planning to come by, make sure you post in here!

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