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Travel | Voyages > Storied Places | Lieux Enchanteurs > The LAC Preservation Centre Modes d'affichage:  
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Kaino - 2011-02-27 09:53:16
The LAC Preservation Centre
LAC Preservation Centre in Gatineau, Quebec

I found this place extemely interesting. I got to see how and where historical documents (films,art,photos,books) are preserved and restored. It is a very modern and sophisticated building.

The Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre is very easy to find at 625 du Carrefour Blvd. in Gatineau, Québec, Tours of the Centre require a reservation by calling 613-996-5115, or 1-866-578-7777 (toll-free from Canada or the United States). Call well in advance, they need at least 12 people to get a tour going and it may take a bit to gather up that many interested parties. Bring your walking shoes because it takes about 3 hours. Well worth the price of the free admission.


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