Jeunes Citoyens / Young Citizens

Stella Cornwall, l'île du Prince-Édouard

Adresse de la Fête: Fête provinciale de Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Projet: La liste d'interdiction de vol canadienne

The Canadian no-fly list is a list that contains the names of terrorists not permitted to fly. The list contains only names, which means that innocent people get flagged at airports if their name matches that of someone on the list. The list is also a vioation of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, specifically section 6 and 15. We reached out to 4 people from No Fly List Kids for information on the subject.

Quelles sont les informations les plus importantes à retenir de ta recherche que tu aimerais partager avec les autres Canadiens ?

The most interesting thing I learned about my subject was how many people are on the list, and how it affects them.

Quelle est la chose la plus intéressante ou surprenante que tu as appris en préparant ton projet et en effectuant ta recherche ?

An important lesson we learned was that our opinions, our involvement and our ideas are so important with this issue,and that getting involved leads to great things.

Peux-tu comparer ta vie aujourd'hui avec celle de celui ou ceux qui sont présentés dans ton projet ?

I think we have very little to complain about, No Fly List Kids have been fighting for a redress system for the no-fly list since 2016.


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Projet partiellement financé par le gouvernement du Canada (ministère du Patrimoine canadien).
  • Canadian Heritage /    Patrimoine Canadien
  • Government of Canada
  • HBC: Hudson's    Bay Company
  • ecentricarts inc.