Jeunes Citoyens / Young Citizens

Penelope Laval, Québec

Adresse de la Fête: Fête du patrimoine de Montréal

Projet: Les Immigrants et Réfugiés au Canada

This project explores the history of immigrants and refugees in Canada, as well the struggles they face when trying to settle in Canadian communities and fighting societal biases. | Ce projet explore l'histoire des immigrants et des réfugiés au Canada, ainsi que les difficultés de s'établir dans des communautés canadiennes et de combattre les préjugés de notre société.

Quelles sont les informations les plus importantes à retenir de ta recherche que tu aimerais partager avec les autres Canadiens ?

When researching the project, I was surprised, and saddened, to find so many stories of immigrants and refugees across Canada mistreated over childish things. It also helped open my eyes to friends around me that are going through these exact scenarios in school. This is why making this video was so important to me.

Quelle est la chose la plus intéressante ou surprenante que tu as appris en préparant ton projet et en effectuant ta recherche ?

It is important to realize that our prejudices against certain minorities need to be put aside when it comes to people lives and safety. There is no way for create a safe community if we turn on one another.

Peux-tu comparer ta vie aujourd'hui avec celle de celui ou ceux qui sont présentés dans ton projet ?

My life compared to those of immigrants and refugees is drastically different. They have struggled and suffered to get to Canada to find a safe space, but then are rejected by society based on their label of "refugee". What I hope for the future is that society looks at them differently, as people that need our help. It isn't fair that I can have acceptance based on who I am and refugees don't receive it because on who they aren't.


  • Sadie

    Tu as fait un vraiment bon travail
    10-07-2019 10:22:55

  • Catherine Haché

    Très bien expliqué! Bravo !
    11-06-2019 6:14:43

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Projet partiellement financé par le gouvernement du Canada (ministère du Patrimoine canadien).
  • Canadian Heritage /    Patrimoine Canadien
  • Government of Canada
  • HBC: Hudson's    Bay Company
  • ecentricarts inc.