Jeunes Citoyens / Young Citizens

Sophia Montreal, Quebec

Adresse de la Fête: Fête du patrimoine de Montréal

Projet: L'histoire de la marijuana au Canada

This project describes the history and properties of marijuana as well as its close variant, hemp, and the approaching legalization of marijuana in Canada.

Quelles sont les informations les plus importantes à retenir de ta recherche que tu aimerais partager avec les autres Canadiens ?

I learned about the difference between marijuana and hemp, and how the variant with a lower percentage of THC has been present in my life unknowingly.

Quelle est la chose la plus intéressante ou surprenante que tu as appris en préparant ton projet et en effectuant ta recherche ?

I believe that the legalization of marijuana is not necessarily a bad thing, even though it is widely seen as a mistake on the part of the Canadian government. Although there are some downsides, its legalization will allow it to be more controlled, safe, and accessible to those who need it.

Peux-tu comparer ta vie aujourd'hui avec celle de celui ou ceux qui sont présentés dans ton projet ?

With the eventual legalization of marijuana, I believe that my life will not be changed dramatically, but I will still be exposed to second hand smoke and air pollution.


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Projet partiellement financé par le gouvernement du Canada (ministère du Patrimoine canadien).
  • Canadian Heritage /    Patrimoine Canadien
  • Government of Canada
  • HBC: Hudson's    Bay Company
  • ecentricarts inc.